
John For 25 years I have been involved in Industrial Relations, Human Resources, & Change Management. My Consulting Company WTWT (Working Together, Winning Together), formed in 1996, provides services to industry in areas covering the following:

Industrial Relations, (Strategies & Management) Industrial Advocacy, Enterprise Bargaining, Strategic Planning, Workforce Planning, Change Management, Team Building, Project Management and Remuneration Strategies.

In recent times I have specialised in providing industrial relations support and management in the Construction, Metals Manufacturing and Maintenance Services Industry.    

My clients include, a multinational engineering & construction company, a concrete manufacturer, a food manufacturer, a major roofing manufacturer, and one of Australia's foremost employer organisations.  From 1988-1996, I was Human Resource Manager at Alcoa's Point Henry Aluminium Smelter, and played a major role in reshaping the organisation into a world benchmark operation.

If I can be of any assistance to you, please contact me and discuss the matter further.